layout: post title: “C++ Notes C16 Classes” description: “” category: programming tags: [c++] —

在閱讀 The C++ Programming Language 4th Edition - Bjarne Stroustrup 過程中的紀錄。

16.1 - Introduction

16.2 - Class Basics

16.2.1 - Member Functions

16.2.2 - Default Copying

16.2.3 - Access Control

16.2.4 - class and struct

16.2.5 - Constructors

16.2.6 - explicit Constructors

沒有特別理由的話,單一參數的 建構子 要宣告成 explicit,才是良好的習慣。

16.2.7 - In-Class Initializers

16.2.8 - In-Class Function Definitions

16.2.9 - Mutability - Constant Member Functions

// const member function 不可以改變 class 內的 member 值 (y)
int Date::year() const { return y; } - Physical and Logical Constness

有時候,const member function 仍然會需要改變 class 內部的狀態。如 string representation 是 const function, 但有個 cache 就可以避免每次都要重新建構 string, 此時就需要在 object Date 有異動時候,去修改 cache 的 string. - mutable

定義 class member 為 mutable 就可以在 const function 中仍然可以修改這個 mutable member. - Mutability through Indirection

16.2.10 - Self-Reference

// 能够 chained call functions, 如 

// 讓 function 回傳 object ref
Date& Date::add_day(int n) {
    return *this;

16.2.11 - Member Access

16.2.12 - static Members

16.2.13 - Member Types

16.3 - Concrete Classes

16.3.1 - Member Functions

16.3.2 - Helping Functions

16.3.3 - Overloaded Operators

16.3.4 - The Significance of Concrete Classes

** 16.3 試做一次 **