- 3D-model - 1
- aws - 1
- bigdata - 9
- bigquery - 2
- cloud - 1
- computer-vision - 4
- data-mining - 1
- database - 5
- devops - 7
- finance - 1
- linux - 7
- machine-learning - 10
- math - 7
- math - probability - 10
- math-linear-algebra - 3
- network - 3
- nosql - 7
- os-macOS - 1
- other - 2
- programming - 52
- software engineering - 5
- Calculus - Derivative
- Calculus - Integral
- Calculus - Integral by Parts
- Calculus - Limits
- Calculus - Logarithm
- Complex Number
- Directional Derivative & Gradient Vector
math - probability
- Distributions of Probability - Discrete
- Expectation
- L01~3 - Prob. Definition, Combination
- L04~7 - Conditional Probability, Bayes' theorem
- L08~10 - Random Variable
- L11~12 - Poisson Distribution
- L12 - Continuous distribution
- Location, Scale, LOTUS
- Random variable
- Review
- Bounding Function
- Linear Regression
- Linear Support Vector Machine
- Logistic Regression
- Logistic Regression from scratch
- Nonlinear
- Overfitting
- Radial Basis Function Network
- Regularization
- VC Dimension
- C++ Notes C02 The Basics
- C++ Notes C03 Abstraction Mechanisms
- C++ Notes C04 Containers and Algorithms
- C++ Notes C05 Concurrency and Utilities
- C++ Notes C06 Types and Declarations
- C++ Notes C07 Pointers, Arrays and References
- C++ Notes C08 Structures, Unions and Enumerations
- C++ Notes C09 Statements
- C++ Notes C10 Expressions
- C++ Notes C11 Select Operations
- C++ Notes C12 Functions
- Display Chinese in R Studio
- Dotnet Development Stack
- Flask + Vue.js : Fullstack Development
- Flask + Vue.js : Part 2
- Flask + Vue.js : Part 3
- Flask + Vue.js : Part 4
- Get detail BigQuery job result information
- Kurento Media Server
- Learn Scala - HelloWorld
- Learn Scala - sbt
- Notes of java
- Notes on .NET CLI
- Notes on A Tour of Go
- Notes on Effective Go
- Python - control flow
- Python - data structure
- Python - exception
- Python - flask
- Python - input output
- Python - number, string, list
- Python Environment - pyenv,virtualenv,miniconda
- R - Data Structure
- R - Make new package with git in R Studio
- R - manage installed packages
- R tar: Failed to set default locale
- Resolve jar dependency issues using sbt
- Scala Syntax - Collection
- Scala Syntax - Function
- Scala Syntax - Pattern Matching
- Scala Syntax - Type
- Setup RabbitMQ
- Spark RDD operations
- Unit Testing in React.js
- Use VSCode to develop .Net Core C#
- Use nvm to manage nodejs
- Use nvm to switch Node.js versions
- VSCode C++ Environment Setup
- 使用 Docker 運行 mssql
- 使用 VS Code 開發 CSharp 程序
- 使用 VS Code 開發 Golang 程序
- 遷移 SVN 源碼庫到 git
- Commands for testing connection
- Notes of bash commands
- SSH Key
- SSH Tunnel
- Setup basic iptables rules for Ubuntu
- Ubuntu settings
- linuxdeploy on samsung note5
- Export MSSQL table to BigQuery
- MSSQL Identity Insert
- MSSQL filegroups
- MSSQL maintenance scripts
- Using docker to run MSSQL Server
- Build mongoDB cluster on local docker
- Import CSV to Cassandra
- MongoDB CRUD Operations
- Run Cassandra on docker
- Run MongoDB on docker
- deploy mongoDB cluster on Google Container Engine
- mongoDB Cluster
- Boot2Docker network setting
- Build Jenkins with Docker
- Docker Introduction
- Install Apache Archiva on OSX
- Notes of Docker commands
- SSL Security for nginx, reverse proxy to R server
- docker toolbox
- Google Cloud VPN 連結企業內部網路
- Make a Self-Signed Certification with OpenSSL
- telnet works but browser fails to connect: MTU issue
- Apache Kafka
- Hadoop on docker
- Notes of BigQuery commands
- Run Cassandra on Mesos
- Run Spark on Mesos
- Setup MESOS cluster on GCE
- Setup mesos-dns
- Spark concepts
- Upload data to Google BigQuery
software engineering
- CSV file format explained
- Design Patterns of GoF
- Living Documentation: Specflow, NUnit, Pickles
- Programming Trend 2022
- Text Encoding
- Install OpenCV on OSX, supporting ipython
- Python implementation of [Colorization using Optimazation]
- Stable Diffusion notes
- Stable Diffusion notes