GOAL: 搭建一个基于 flask + vue.js,可以快速开发的全栈框架。具有以下特色:

  • 整体的登入验证: flask-security
  • 便利的后台界面可供修改数据库: flask-admin
  • 使用 Vue.js 开发前端 UI
  • flask 提供 restful API, 包含 apidoc Swagger UI

This tutorial shows how to build a system with python flask and vue.js. In the end of this article, we will have a skeleton application ready for rapid development.

Here’s the source code: github repository

This series of tutorial have 5 parts:

Prepare the Environment

先用 pyenv 建立一个虚拟环境;这样做的好处是可以有一个独立的开发环境,不会与其他专案不同的软件版本发生冲突。

First, Let’s create a virtual environment for python using pyenv. In this way, we can isolate our project and eliminate potential package version conflicts with other projects in developer’s computer.

# make a new environment called 'fv'
pyenv virtualenv 3.6.2 fv
# enter our project folder (~/repos/flask-vue), and assign the new env to this folder.
cd ~/repos/flask-vue
pyenv local fv
# make backend folders
mkdir b2e b2e/config b2e/dodo b2e/dodo_test

Project Folder Structure :

├── f2e                     // frontend vue.js code, explain later
└── b2e                     // backend python code
    ├── config              // python configuration
    ├── dodo                // python flask app
    └── dodo_test           // python unit tests

Flask Helloworld

Install the python package: flask

pip install flask

Edit file: ./dodo/app1.py as

from flask import Flask, jsonify

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='./')

    def root():
        data = dict(say="hello")
        return jsonify(data), 200
    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = create_app()

Test the hello world example!

# bring up flask app
FLASK_DEBUG=1 python dodo/app1.py
# open browser to see result, or use curl:
curl http://localhost:5000
  "say": "hello"

Introducing Flask Blueprint

Flask Blueprint 可以将不同的模块、子系统,拆分开来在不同的资料夹、文件中开发。 然后利用注册每个蓝图到 flask 主要的 app 的方式整合在一起。这样的拆分方式, 利于在中到大型的系统开发项目中,繁多的原始码仍然简洁而有结构地安排在每个文件及资料夹中。

Flask Blueprint can help us to separate modules/sub-system into different files, and later register them into our main flask-app. This feature is very useful for building medium to large scale applications with succinct and structured code files.

We will make 2 blueprints :

  • doggy_api : APIs return json data
  • doggy_pages : html page rendered by flask
└── b2e/
    └── dodo/
        ├── app2.py
        └── doggy/
            ├── api.py
            ├── pages.py
            └── templates/
                └── show.html

file ./dodo/doggy/api.py :

from flask import Blueprint, jsonify
from flask import current_app as app

blueprint_api = Blueprint('doggy_api', __name__)

@blueprint_api.route('/list', methods=['GET'])
def get_list():
    data = [{ 'name': 'dog_aaa' }, { 'name': 'dog_bbb' }]
    return jsonify(data)

@blueprint_api.route('/count', methods=['GET'])
def get_count():
    data = { 'count': 10 }
    return jsonify(data)

file ./dodo/doggy/pages.py :

from flask import Blueprint, render_template

blueprint_pages = Blueprint('doggy_pages', __name__, template_folder='templates')

def show(page_name):
    return render_template('show.html', page_name=page_name)

file ./dodo/doggy/templates/show.html :

    <h2>doggy - pages</h2>
    <h2>You are visiting page: { { page_name } }</h2>

file ./dodo/app2.py :

from .doggy.api import blueprint_api
from .doggy.pages import blueprint_pages

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='./')
    app.register_blueprint(blueprint_api, url_prefix='/doggy/api')
    app.register_blueprint(blueprint_pages, url_prefix='/doggy/pages')
    # ...
    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = create_app()

因为程序中引用了 内部 module: doggy.api, 所以要将 dodo 资料夹视为一个 package.

Since we are referencing internal module:’doggy.api’, the folder:’dodo’ should be treated as a python ‘package’.

# declare folder:'dodo' as a package
touch ./dodo/__init__.py
# run flask app
FLASK_DEBUG=1 FLASK_APP=dodo/app2.py flask run
# test api in blueprint
curl http://localhost:5000/doggy/api/list
# visit the html page
curl http://localhost:5000/doggy/pages/abcde