在閱讀 The C++ Programming Language 4th Edition - Bjarne Stroustrup 過程中的紀錄。

12.1 - Function Declarations

12.1.1 - Why Functions

function 行數建議在 avg 7 lines, or 40 lines

12.1.2 - Parts of a Function Declaration

12.1.3 - Function Definitions

12.1.4 - Returning Values

12.1.5 - inline Functions

12.1.6 - constexpr Functions - constexpr and References - Conditional Evaluation

12.1.7 - [[noreturn]] Functions

12.1.8 - Local Variables

12.2 - Argument Passing

12.2.1 - Reference Arguments

12.2.2 - Array Arguments

parameter of type : reference to array

void f(int(&r)[4]) {
    cout << "1:" << r[0] << ", 2:" << r[2] << endl;

int main() {
    int a1[] = {1,2,3,4};
    return 0;

12.2.3 - List Arguments

12.2.4 - Unspecified Number of Arguments

  • use variadic template
  • use initializer_list, single type
  • using ellipsis: ...

12.2.5 - Default Arguments

12.3 - Overloaded Functions

12.3.1 - Automatic Overload Resolution

12.3.2 - Overloading and Return Type

12.3.3 - Overloading and Scope

12.3.4 - Resolution for Multiple Arguments

12.3.5 - Manual Overload Resolution

12.4 - Pre- and Post-conditions

12.5 - Pointer to Function

12.6 - Macros

12.6.1 - Conditional Compilation

12.6.2 - Predefined Macros

12.6.3 - Pragmas